The Helsinki Figure Skating Academy( HTA) was founded on May 1, 2020, when the Oulunkylä Figure Skating Club (OTK) and the single skating division of the Helsingfors Skridskoklubb (HSK) combined their forces.
From the beginning, both sides shared the desire of offering everyone the opportunity to practice and compete as single skaters according to their individual needs.
The club was originated from Oulunkylä Figure Skating Club (OTK), which has a long tradition of offering skaters the alternative to practice figure skating for a lifetime. The strengths of the Academy lie in its strong single skating tradition and expertise in competitive skating. Our skaters are offered the opportunity to participate in in-house competitions, as well as a variety of competitions at both local and national levels.
HTA aims at providing a new paradigm for the development of single skating in Helsinki: the possibility to be part of a skating team even if one’s life situation changes. Regardless if the skater wants to learn their first steps on the ice, aim for the top or skate just for fun, we can make it happen.
Do you believe in our philosophy? Join the positive atmosphere of the Academy!
#HTA #helsinkifigureskatingacademy #positiveatmosphere